Justice Kennedy is Retiring

Senator Toomey,
The Senate must NOT confirm any permanent appointments while the Trump Administration is under official investigation. The FBI, House, and Senate are investigating the Trump Administration for a variety of crimes. There have already been indictments and guilty pleas from officials associated with the President. Any hearings on appointments to the Supreme Court must be delayed until the conclusion of those investigations. Without all the information, it is unwise to make permanent decisions.
Thank you.

No Confirmation

Here is a statement from Senator Toomey, which I have adapted to fit the current situation.

“With the U.S. Supreme Court’s balance at stake, and with the presidential election [under investigation], it is wise to [ensure] the American people [were given] a more direct voice in the selection and confirmation of the next justice. Should [Neil Gorsuch] be [brought up for a vote before the resolution of these investigations, Senator Toomey should] be happy to [refuse] his nomination, as [he did] with [Merrick Garland, when he was] submitted by President Obama.”

Supreme Court Appointment

Senator Toomey,
The Senate must NOT confirm any permanent appointments while the election is under official investigation. The Senate is still investigating Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, so any hearings on appointments to the Supreme Court must be delayed until the conclusion of those investigations. You don’t have all the information, so you must not make permanent decisions.
Thank you.