Muslim Ban Redux

Senator Toomey,
I condemn the White House’s second attempt to ban Muslims from entering the country, and I condemn your support for it. I said this about the first Muslim ban: “This order is absolutely unconstitutional,” and it was ruled unconstitutional by every judge who saw the case. Please read their decisions, because they are still applicable to this revised Muslim ban. This executive order will be found unconstitutional, and you continue to put yourself on the wrong side of history.

P.S. Your voicemail box is full again and no one picked up the phone during office hours.

On the Muslim Ban

Senator Toomey,
Yesterday, the president signed an executive order turning away refugees, banning people from Muslim-majority countries, and instituting a religious test for getting into the United States. This order is absolutely unconstitutional. The president has violated the constitution and his oath of office. You’ve seen the resistance in protests all over our great nation. We, the people, demand that you work to counteract the Muslim ban. You’ve used freedom of religion as an excuse for your stances before. If you remain silent now, you prove that your brand of “freedom” is for Christians only. Further, you must work to impeach the president for the violation of his oath of office.

Muslim Ban

Hello Senator Toomey,
No one answered my call, and your voicemail box is full.
I’m deeply disturbed by the President’s executive orders intended to deport immigrants and ban refugees. Immigration is the foundation of our nation, and it is through immigration that the US continues to excel. It can only be through compassion for refugees that America demonstrates its commitment to all men being created equal. The fact that so many are fleeing areas impacted by ISIS is clear evidence that they want to live in a nation that respects freedom and opportunity, not under the reign of an abusive power that places undue importance on a person’s religion. Yick Wo v. Hopkins tells us it is unconstitutional for a law to disproportionately affect a protected class, but the proposed list of countries in the ban is exclusively majority-Muslim. This is unconstitutional policy must be opposed by everyone with a voice, and that includes you. If this executive order is carried through, we will be living under the reign of an abusive power that places undue importance on a person’s religion. We’ll be no better than those we wish to oppose, and it won’t be long before countries will start accepting American refugees.

Please, I expect you to publicly stand with our immigrants and refugees, and you must protect them from these severe and short sighted measures.
Thank you.